How our story began
as recounted by Krystal

Adam and I met on one of our most expensive journeys of all time - university.
He had moved from his hometown of Saint John to Fredericton and was studying Arts / Business at UNB. I too left my hometown of Miramichi and was attending UNB to pursue Arts & Education.
Our story begins on campus in 2011. I was a proctor in Tibbits Hall, and Adam was a proctor in Aitken House. We often attended the same events, and I always had my eye on him.
I eventually asked my best friend Katie’s boyfriend Jamie (who also lived in Aitken) for Adam’s MSN email. Jamie reluctantly shared the information, and I added him, but was too shy to ever start up a conversation. Just when I had forgotten about it, Adam messaged me out of the blue one evening while I was in History class. He asked me to go with him to his Aitken Formal. Of course I said yes (and immediately told Jamie that I was right about the MSN move).
It really was love at first sight from there on, and we’ve never been apart since. Adam was everything I ever dreamed of and more in a partner. I always say that my Nanny sent him to me, and that he was her choice just as much as mine, - a smart, hard-working Irish Catholic.